PigModding Originals

Gaming Mousepads

Original Illustrations

Gaming Posters

Bring your setup to life!

PigModding's mechanical keyboards, deskmats, posters & accessories are the perfect way to bring your gaming setup to life.

Visually stunning designs and high-performance features, our products will elevate your gaming experience while creating a cohesive and visually appealing gaming environment.




What's PigModding working on?

Custom Mechanical Keyboards

Custom Mechanical Keyboards created by PigModding and enjoyed by you.

Custom Keyboard Cables

Coiled Aviator and Premium Cables to match your Custom Gaming Keyboard.

New Deskpads Design

We constantly work on new mousepad designs for you to enjoy.

About Our Products

Designed in Chile, UK Made

PigModding gaming products & accessories are designed by Matias, a Chilean gaming enthusiast obsessed with creating premium products to fulfil all your gaming setup needs.

Through PigModdings success & partnerships with UK Manufacturers we have expanded into the worldwide market, allowing all our exclusive mousepads, keyboards and accessories to be made with premium craftmanship and delivered wherever you are.

Our Mission


To find more infomation about our products or shipping policies checkout the FAQ page.

Our customer support is available Monday to Friday: 8am-8:30pm.Average answer time: 24h - 48h
Contact us